UKREiiF 2025

Glasgow 850

Glasgow is celebrating its 850th birthday! In 1175 the city gained Burgh status, a pivotal moment that shaped the vibrant and unique city we know today. In true Glaswegian-style, a yearlong curated programme of events has been created to celebrate Glasgow's rich history, dynamic present, and ambitious future. 

In this milestone year, Team Glasgow is carrying this celebration with us to UKREiiF where we will reflect on the recent past but look to a vibrant future that draws on successes in innovation and investment to transition to a smart, sustainable city of the future. 

Glasgow 850 George Sq


We have pulled together an exciting programme of events and networking for this year's UKREiiF. It features a combination of events in the main conference programme, speaking slots and bespoke on-stand events. You're invited to hear Glasgow's perspective on a number of currect topics, hear from city leaders and network with Team Glasgow. 

More events will be announced in the coming weeks.

Tuesday, 20 May

Glasgow: the Ongoing Role of Innovation in the City’s Transformative Regeneration

Time: 9:15 – 10:15
Location: Scape Public Sector Stage

As Glasgow celebrates its 850th birthday, join key city stakeholders to reflect on how the city has achieved a remarkable transformation through innovation and investment and the role they will continue to play in the next stage of our evolution.

Wednesday, 21 May

Sport at the Heart of the City

Time 14:00 - 15:00
Location: Dockside Pavilion

As Glasgow prepares to reprise its role as host city, hear from the Glasgow 2026 Commonwealth Games team on the relationship between sport and cities.

Drinks Reception

Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Location: Glasgow Stand (NDH C30)

Join Team Glasgow on stand for drinks and informal networking. With support from Graham & Sibbald. 

Glasgow Pitchbook 2025

Launching in time for UKREiiF. Glasgow’s Pitchbook 2025 showcases the best investment opportunities Glasgow and the city region has to offer. These once-in-a-generation transformational projects illustrate the magnitude of Glasgow’s ambition. 

Register your interest by emailing Invest Glasgow and we'll notify you when the pitchbook is published.

Meet Glasgow

This year we are bringing our largest delegation including senior Council leadership alongside officers from Glasgow City Council’s Economic Development, Invest Glasgow, Housing and Planning teams.

The wider “Team Glasgow” includes representatives from City of Glasgow College, City Property, Clyde Gateway, Glasgow City Innovation District, and Glasgow Riverside Innovation District, and Scottish Enterprise.

You’ll find us at our new, bigger stand in New Dock Hall (stand C30). 

We'll also have our now familiar investment map on display which is always a conversation starter. You will also get access to the Glasgow Pitchbook and be able to discuss projects in detail with the team. Drop by for a warm Glaswegian welcome!

Follow Invest Glasgow for regular updates including events, speakers and networking.